
 As a fully accredited member of the American Institute of Floral Designers, Frank Blanchard AIFD CFD is also an accredited AIFD Evaluator/Judge. With 30-plus years in the industry, Frank’s career has included being lead designer/florist manager at the Four Seasons Olympic Hotel in Seattle, featured designer at the Washington State Executive Mansion for seven years with his work featured in Seattle Homes Magazine, and winner of the National Orchid Digest Corporation medal for design excellence. In addition to several other professional design awards.

Doesn’t that all sound exciting? I could keep going like that, but now I want to talk about you and your journey.

I have been in the business of flowers, gardens, and the arts for a very long time. There isn’t really much I haven’t done, including teaching.

Now as a successful designer, artist, and business person. There is nothing I love more than sharing my knowledge and experience with others. Helping others on their journey with an artistic, creative type of business. Helping them achieve success, meet their goals, and create the life they want to live as a professional successful working Artist.

Let’s face it, being an Artist is hard. We come up with all kinds of creative ideas we would like to work on. However, we oftentimes have a hard time working those ideas into our plan for a successful creative, artistic, business strategy. Creating and setting goals for a successful business is very much possible, but we do have to have a plan.

Having been a successful designer myself for so many years. I am well aware of all the challenges. I have paid my dues working the day-to-day grind in full-service flower shops. I’ve had the added experience of being a manager and owner working in all kinds of floral business situations. I definitely have learned what works, what doesn’t, and why. I am also always fascinated by how business can change and improve with the use of the internet. Being able to learn, understand, and then execute, fail and try again, and again, and again. Eventually learning how telling your story, finding your voice, and marketing what we do to a clientele and demographic that want to be our customers.

Having the gift of being a professional artist cannot be taken for granted. It takes work, passion, and perseverance. In addition, an artist has to be savvy enough to find their niche, learn what aspects of what we do that can generate income. Because let’s face it if you can’t generate any income you can’t continue to create.

So, now if you are ready to elevate your career or your business, level up your knowledge. There is no time like the present to grab opportunities and play Savvy for success.